About Us

The founder of 5strs is a qualified pharmacist and certified independent prescriber, registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council. After qualifying as a pharmacist in 2008, she worked in retail pharmacy for 10 years where she gained a wealth of experience in healthcare management and developed valuable business knowledge.

In 2019 after completing her prescribing course, she was keen to get involved with her passion- VITAMINS with holistic healing. She loves helping others feel better about their general health and the use of intravenous nutrient therapy has shown phenomenal positive results. This form of preventative health treatment can be used as a life style approach to sustain long-term healthy wellbeing.

We use a unique blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids; all classified as ‘essential nutrients” vital for the body. They are formulated to support and help hydration, detox, enhancing energy levels, strengthening the immune system, anti-ageing and much more. We use high quality ingredients sourced from the UK and bought from pharmacies with GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes) certificates.

Our vitamin drips are competitively priced as we believe everyone deserves to feel the rejuvenating benefits of them. Our clients safety is of paramount importance. We ask all our patients to complete a medical history prior to receiving a drip and all drips are administered safely. However, these vitamin drips are used for supplementation purposes only and do NOT treat any medical conditions.

Please contact us for a FREE consultation service to discuss all your requirements.